新疆五彩湾 Multi-colored Bay in Xinjiang

         The Multi-colored Bay is also called the “Multi-colored City”. The connected hills in this region present many colors like yellow, white, black and green with the main color of red. After years of wind, sunlight and rain, it has the “Yardang landform” which looks like the outline of a city.This is why it is also called the Multi-colored City.


新疆 五彩湾


  • 图片编码:1000000282
  • 发布时间:2019-07-11
  • 图片作者:中国新疆
  • 拍摄日期:2018-03-05
  • 图片尺寸:4488x3004
  • 图片大小:29.92M
  • 图片格式:JPG